Founder of Sweden’s largest Presentation Skills training company, international speaker, author & coach, David JP Phillips is best known for his book/ seminar “How To Avoid Death By PowerPoint“, delivered at TEDx Stockholm in 2015.
Published in more than 30 countries, the book explains efficiently and in an entertaining tone, 42 techniques on how to dramatically increase the efficiency of your communication all while remembering that the main presentation is yourself, while all the slide decks that many of us sweat over are merely a visual aid.
“My passion, my love, is communication. I have dedicated my life to it! Simply because it’s something we do almost as often as we breath and being good at it makes a tremendous difference in life” David JP Phillips
VIDEO: How to avoid death By PowerPoint/ TEDx Stockholm
Key points from the book:
- It gives you practical and usable tips to help you maximize the effectiveness of your decks
- Includes loads of visual examples and focuses on the best use of visual aids
- Each topic is covered briefly but thoroughly over 2 pages
- It’s more of a guide to the creation and deployment of the right kind of slide material
- It’s an overview of the basic presentation principles that is clear, informing and memorable, leaving less room for questions and follow up meetings, thus saving one of the valuable asset in life: time.
What is SpeakerRating?
With a seldom seen depth of knowledge and passion for his subject, David has become the leading Swedish figurehead in the art of making presentations.
He is also the founder and owner of Sweden’s largest resource on the subject: SpeakerRating.
“I want to create an opportunity where every single speaker can grow and become brilliant at their craft, one step at a time, in their own time” David JP Phillips
In simple words, SpeakerRating is the world’s most extensive online coaching platform for speakers and presenters.
- David spent seven years studying over 5,000 speakers in order to create a model that could define and systematically teach speakers how to become as great as they desire.
The number of skills he found was 110, now defined as “the 110 skills of excellence“. The more of them you fulfill and the higher you score on each the greater you are as a presenter.
VIDEO: The 110 techniques of communication and public speaking/ TEDx Zagreb
Why is Storytelling so powerful?
In his second TEDx Stockholm talk, David tries to show you how to become a great presenter, salesperson or even a leader using the power of storytelling.
“Our brain is created, or rather completely optimized, for storytelling” David JP Phillips
- He shares key neurological findings on storytelling with the help of his own stories
- The focus is always based on the latest research in neurology, psychology, biology.
“Your stories are not just stories but rather a tool that moves the person you tell them the way you want” David JP Phillips
VIDEO: The magical science of storytelling/ TEDx Stockholm
David’s TEDx speeches have over 2 million views online. You can meet him face to face in June @ iCEE.fest – UPGRADE 100.