În fiecare an, iCEE.fest acordă o atenție specială startup-urilor si antreprenorilor din zona digital & tech. Zeci de investitori vor…
Launched three years ago as inside iCEE.fest, iCEE.health gathers the entire ehealth ecosystem. With the inclusion of Lorena Macnaughtan, Director, in…
La finalul anului trecut, Banca Comercială Română a introdus, în premieră în România, un nou model de furnizare de servicii…
Launched three years ago, iCEE.health offers an international interactive platform for learning and networking, which brings together the entire eHealth ecosystem,…
With a few days left ‘till the show begins, the iCEE.fest 2018 AGENDA is complete. This year, you can choose from…
7 scene, 2 zile, 9 evenimente paralele si aproape 200 de speakeri de la companii precum Facebook, Google, The New…
This year, iCEE.health (Bucharest, June 14) will have not one but two stages inside iCEE.fest. On the main stage, Focus Stage…
Lansat acum trei ani ca secțiune dedicată inovației în sănătate la iCEE.fest, iCEE.health reunește întregul ecosistem eHealth – fiind singurul…
You know the numbers: 9 main content tracks and almost 200 global experts will take over the 7 stages we’ve prepared for this year. CHECK: The…
This year we’re covering 9 spectacular content streams and almost 200 global experts and speakers confirmed their attendance. IN PROGRESS: iCEE.fest AGENDA…
Mike’s 20-year career has taken him across the globe – from Sydney, where he is currently based, to San Francisco,…