iCEE.fest: UPGRADE 100 is a complex digital transformation festival so, before you book your ticket, check bellow what’s in it…
After Facebook, Instagram, and Netflix, iCEE.fest: UPGRADE 100 brings you another exclusivity – TikTok, the iOS and Android media app that…
iCEE.fest se lansează anul acesta sub un nou format, UPGRADE 100, aducând în fața publicului peste 140 de invitați grupați în…
Creativitate dusă la extrem, experimente curajoase de comunicare, tehnologii spectaculoase – toate se vor întâlni pe scenele iCEE.fest: UPGRADE 100 în…
Global agencies, tech giants, and famous brands will present the latest marketing trends and technologies at UPGRADE 100, iCEE.fest’s new concept.…
Some of the world’s most creative professionals will be in Bucharest, this June 13 & 14, for the 8th iCEE.fest edition,…
This will be awesome. Again. Ever since iCEE.fest started focusing on this topic, the audience just loved it. Within the framework…
Taboola, the world’s leading discovery platform, and TDG, the leading Digital Advertising group in Southeast Europe and the Middle East…
Printre starurile internaționale, liderii globali în tehnologie și speakeri profesioniști din domeniul transformării digitale, anul acesta pe scena noului iCEE.fest…
The new iCEE.fest format, UPGRADE 100, features a special interest in the start-up ecosystem and the investors’ landscape. The festival…