An honest advice: Get Sh*t Done! - UPGRADE 100 News

An honest advice: Get Sh*t Done!

Niall Harbison

At 21 years old Niall Harbison became Chef at a top restaurant. Until 25 he worked as a private Chef of the richest people in the world. He traveled a lot. Food budgets were up to 100k weekly.

Then he turned his attention to online PR and Social Media and co-founded Simply Zesty. 1.000 days. That’s how long it took him to develop the company at a level that UTV came and said: we want to buy! And he sold it for 1.8m £.

The road from Harbison to Harbo

From 2013, Niall started Lovin Dublin, the best city site from the capital of Ireland. The idea expanded to other cities as well. His voice became well known because, of course, everybody want to listen the man who create a business from zero and in less then 3 years earned almost 2 million.

Currently he is the Co-CEO at PR Slides. What he says about his job? ”Hoping to disrupt an entire industry globally that badly needs more tech at it’s core”.

Courage. Passion. Inspiration. Those are the words that Niall is spreading around the world in his speeches. And because of his openly style, he adopted the name Harbo. More catchy, isn’t it?

Enjoying the journey

Niall will be on the ICEEfest 2016 scene to inspire the regional entrepreneurs after becoming a successful writer. “Get Sh*t Done” is, as the cover says, “an entrepreneur’s guide to getting the life you want”.

I’ll let Nial tell you his practical advices. For that, buy a ticket to his speech. Spoiler alert: it’s not all about the sacrifice.

Instead, he’s going to tell you how to ignore conventional routes. Or what fail meant for his business. Dream big and, yeah, get married later 🙂

And I can tell you this: Harbison was a Chef so his book is a beautiful mixture of good career tips and funny stories. For example, he calls Bono an “annoying little bastard”, after the U2 star ordered him to cook 36 full Irish breakfasts.

More Harbo? In 2013 he deactivated his Facebook account. “It was taking up too much of my time and inhibiting me from doing real work and getting shit done”, he said.

Meanwhile, he took his own advice, he get his sh*t done more efficient and make some time for Facebook 🙂


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